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The Climate Academy
Gender Equality Plan

As an organisation committed to social and environmental justice and transformative action for a fairer, more just world The Climate Academy is committed to embodying its vision for the world by having a clear Gender Equality Plan to ensure gender equality is kept at the forefront of all its activities. The Climate Academy firmly believes that only by having a diverse and supportive environment can it achieve its best work of engaging everyone in climate change education. Staff and members on all levels of The Climate Academy will be responsible for collectively seeing the Plan through and ensuring gender equality is attained in the design and implementation of our work and projects within the organisation and in collaboration with partners.


This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) outlines seven priorities with clear objectives and actions needing to be undertaken to achieve these objectives. The Climate Academy strives to make these commonplace within all levels of the organisation and its work and keep them at the forefront of decision making and activities as it grows.


The GEP applies to all directors, staff members, consultants and members of The Climate Academy.


Priority 1: Widespread implementation of this GEP and awareness of gender- and other discrimination-based issues

Objective: The GEP is widespread and familiar to everyone in the organisation with directors, staff on all levels and members of the organisation actively participating to implement its goals and targets.

Actions: The GEP document will be made readily available on The Climate Academy’s website as well as within internal organisational structures. Its location as well as the policy and its targets as a whole will be clearly communicated within the organisation, with reminders and refreshers organised when deemed necessary. Supporting materials will also be made readily available within internal organisational structures to enable all members of The Climate Academy to carry out the actions of this GEP to the best of their abilities. Training sessions (such as unconscious bias training) will also be introduced to further facilitate and aid the adoption of goals and attitudes aimed for by this GEP. Directors as well as a dedicated officer will be designated as contact points within the organisation for any GEP related issues.


Priority 2: Gender equality in career opportunities, development and advancement

Objective: Gender balance in roles within the organisation on all levels is achieved. This balance is achieved not just quantitatively, but also qualitatively with the number, type and strength of representation of different genders being examined. Staff members of The Climate Academy of all genders are able to shape (see Priority 3) and progress their careers without structural, institutional, or individual barriers due to gender discrimination. Joining of The Climate Academy and the position held within shall not be determined by potentially discriminating factors such as gender identity or other personal intersecting characteristics including disability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic, cultural, religious or ethnic background.

Actions: Gender balances within The Climate Academy will be monitored through data collection (see Priority 7). This data will inform and guide practices that will ensure the completion of the objectives of this priority. If imbalances are found, appropriate action and plans such as gender quotas, examination of selection processes, and targeted leadership training could be introduced.


Priority 3: Working arrangements, conditions and flexibilities 

Objective: Different genders often have different responsibilities and preferred work patterns, which should not exclude them from participating in the work undertaken by The Climate Academy. We will therefore strive to have in place working arrangements and conditions that allow for the inclusion of the individual needs of people of all genders. Additionally, members of The Climate Academy will not be treated differently or unfavourably for having working patterns adjusted due to their gender or any other relevant personal factors.

Actions: The provision for flexible working needs can be facilitated and enabled by the introduction of policies and arrangements such as parental leave, flexible hours and working arrangements, workload management, reintegration after career breaks, and support for caring responsibilities. The Climate Academy will introduce these on an individual level so as to make sure the arrangements fit each affected person. Such provisions will be taken note of through the data collection process (see Priority 7), so as to monitor their implementation and success.


Priority 4: Gender is considered and built into the organisation and production of The Climate Academy outputs.

Objective: Materials, content, programs, and events produced and organised by The Climate Academy will all be designed to accommodate the needs of all genders and other identities which might intersect with gender to affect accessibility to these products. The planning and production stages of these outputs will also be guided by organisational structures that value and facilitate the input of all genders.

Action: Accessibility issues are taken into consideration when planning and designing these products by consulting the GEP and associated resources as well as any further external guidance deemed relevant and appropriate.


Priority 5: Gender is taken into consideration and built into practices relating to project design, leading, participation, activities and implementation

Objective: All projects that The Climate Academy is involved with – whether as organisers or participants – will aim to be gender-balanced in terms of workforce (including roles, pay, responsibility distributions, etc.), involvement (both in number as well as in weight and importance), and impact.

Actions: Project proposals (both formal and informal) are examined for possible gender implications and issues, and adjusted in a way that allows for gender balance and equality. External guidance from project funders (such as Horizon Europe) should also be utilised to ensure thorough consideration of all aspects of gender-based and any other types of discrimination.


Priority 6: Prevent and combat gender-based violence, including sexual harassment

Objective: The Climate Academy will aim to foster and maintain a zero-tolerance culture and provide support for victims and witnesses of any and all forms of gender-based violence, such as sexual harassment. The organisation strives to be a safe and inclusive space in which all people are able to thrive without worry of discrimination, violence or persecution for their gender or any other personal characteristic.

Actions: The zero-tolerance stance and culture will be clearly communicated to members of The Climate Academy. For the case of non-respect of this stance, clear procedures will be in place. These procedures could include steps for reporting, investigation, support and disciplinary measures. Materials and support will be readily and widely available for victims and witnesses.


Priority 7: Collection and publishing of gender-disaggregated data 

Objective: To support the shaping of gender related policies, as well as to remain transparent and accountable on gender related issues, The Climate Academy aims to collect, analyse and publish gender-disaggregated data once it has grown a sizeable workforce.

Actions: Gender-disaggregated data will be collected, as well as other potentially intersecting indicators and factors. These could include other markers of identity such as age, ethnicity and (dis)ability. This data collection will be kept anonymous and used for ensuring that the GEP is adequate and to monitor its development. The findings will therefore be published alongside the latest versions of the GEP as foundational evidence for its shaping.


The Climate Academy will continually review this Gender Equality Plan and revise it as and when it is necessary as the organisation grows in size and reach. Nonetheless, even as a currently young and small organisation it is dedicated to fostering a safe, just and equal work environment for all staff and members.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead
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